Collecting Local Stories

Iowa celebrated its 150th anniversary of statehood in 1996. As part of that celebration, some 150 Iowa musicians, craftspeople, storytellers, radio announcers, farmers, cooks, doctors, basketball players, teachers, scholars, and state officials participated in the...

End-of-Life Tool Kit

The Toolkit for the public provides resources on death and dying, geared to both health professionals and the public.  It contains links to textbooks, stories, poems, cultural perspectives on death and dying, as well as compelling video clips, examples of various art...

Cultural Stewardship Conversation Guide

Culture creates and strengthens communities. Understanding the complexity and power of culture gives communities agency. The concept of Cultural Stewardship teaches us to understand our personal cultural identity as well as that of our families, schools,...

Walk in Another’s Shoes

“The trim, silver-haired man sits ramrod straight, a legacy of his former military training. Sitting close by, not quite as still or straight, his eight-year-old Swapping Stories partner’s smile reflects his own. After the storytelling session, the former Mr. America...