We are people-centered and process-driven
- To be people-centered means that respect, connections, partnership, equity, and inclusion inform all our relationships and collaborations.
- To be process-driven means that we work iteratively, with purposeful reciprocity and reflexivity built into our programs.
A resource for all
The Journal of Folklore and Education (ISSN 2573-2072) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published annually by Local Learning: The National Network for Folk Arts in Education. It includes research, case studies, lesson plans, and learning activities written by teachers and practitioners. Our intended audience includes educators and students at all levels and in all settings, folk culture specialists, and those working in community-based organizations.
We Are Folklore Educators. Invite Us To Work With You.
For more than two decades, Local Learning’s team of folklore and folklife educators have been helping teachers and artists to develop enriching curricula for students of all ages. Find out how we can help you bring folk arts to life!
For Teachers
Our teacher training institutes and
workshops are great opportunities for
school districts and state agencies
looking to bring a cultural lens to
classroom learning.
For Artists
Your cultural knowledge matters. Our
artist training will amplify your voice and center the skills you most want to
share with learners of all ages.
Live in New York?
Our New York workshops are our test
kitchens for mixing up great recipes for
engagement and culturally affirming
Featured Resources
Activities. Research. Case Studies. Interview Guides. Find this and more in our resources.
Learning Activities and Lesson Plans
Craft custom searches and access
teacher tested activities to use in your
learning space.
Research and Reading
Find classic folklife education texts and
cutting-edge research and case studies
in our library.
Teaching Inquiry
HOW to do an interview, WHY to use
interviews as a part of one’s
curriculum, and WHAT can be done
with completed interviews.
Network News
Oral History in Interpretation and Museum Education
Join us! Local Learning joins Vermont Folklife and Washington State Parks to share resources from our Teaching with Primary Sources collaboration, “Teaching with Folk Sources.” This educational program will particularly focus upon using oral history materials in...
Educational Reparations and Teaching the Tulsa Race Massacre
Updated with Registration Link! Oklahoma educators have been reading Dr. Bettina Love's texts, We Want to do More than Survive and Punished for Dreaming, while also engaging in the supporting album to the text Punished for Dreaming, produced by Dr. Stevie "View"...
2024 Summer News
A Note from Founding Director, Paddy Bowman As the summer unfolds... ...and as most K-12 students wind down their school year and look forward to a break, many of their teachers embark on new learning adventures through summertime professional development training,...