Support Folk Arts in Education with a Donation to Local Learning

Mosaic artist Luigi Gobbo, who immigrated to Binghamton, NY from Italy in 1965, loves to share his art and Italian traditions.
Through Local Learning’s project Culture, Community, and the Classroom, Luigi and partner teacher Ms. Crossgrove worked with her students to complete this stunning mural in 2021.
Your donation sustains our direct work to support artists and educators across the nation. Thank you!

Every donation helps keep resources produced by Local Learning, including the Journal of Folklore and Education, free and accessible to educators in schools, libraries, museums, and communities.

If you would like to make an online contribution to Local Learning please start the form below to go to our secure donation page. We will never share your information without your consent.

Local Learning is incorporated under IRS section 501(c)(3), so contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. If you are interested in supporting our work to transform learning, build inter-cultural understanding, and create stronger communities through education, please donate securely online using the Donate button, or contact Lisa Rathje at or 312-566-7966.

Double your gift: Some employers offer contribution match programs for their employees. Ask your employer if this is a benefit they offer.

Thank You! We are grateful to all of our supporters and funders.

Local Learning’s Federal EIN is 20-2728398.

Local Learning Funding has included Grants, Fees, and Honoraria from the following 2020-2023

National Endowment for the Arts
New York State Council on the Arts
Library of Congress
Alliance for California Traditional Arts
American Folklore Society
Arts Education Partnership
The Birthplace of Country Music
Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Community Foundation of Elmira-Corning and the Finger Lakes
Corning Incorporated Foundation
Govenar Family Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas
Greater Capital Region Teacher Center
HistoryMiami Museum
The Hoyt Foundation
Humanities New York
Louisiana Association of Museums
Arts Institute of Middlesex County
New York Folklore
The Ohio State University
Oklahoma Arts Council
Oklahoma Humanities
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Pennsylvania Department of Education, CAIU
Perkins Center for the Arts
REACH, a program funded by the Dept. of Education through the Univ. of South Florida and the Arts Schools Network
The Roger Kresge Foundation
Southwest Folklife Alliance
317 Main
University of Louisiana-Lafayette, a National Endowment for the Humanities project
Virginia Humanities


Almost 100 individual donors and family foundations have supported Local Learning over the past three years. Thank you for supporting our work to transform learning, build intercultural understanding, and strengthen communities through Folk Arts in Education.

Learn more about the work of Local Learning in our most recent annual report.

Read our Strategic Plan to learn how we are using funding to build towards a more equitable and inclusive world, where learners of all ages must purposefully develop the skills embedded in folklife methods to explore local knowledge, thereby recognizing one another’s humanity while learning more about themselves and their communities.